Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate is a substance that is produced naturally in the body.  Approximately 5% is found in the brain, kidneys and liver. The remaining 95% (120-140g) is stored in the skeletal muscle, where it forms a high-energy molecule known as phosphocreatine. It is the breakdown of Phosphocreatine which produces ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) to fuel the muscles during heavy lifting and high intensity exercise. ATP is depleted rapidly during strenuous activity. Therefore, using a Creatine supplement to increase our stores of phosphocreatine helps the body to produce greater amounts of ATP. This enables our muscles to resist fatigue and maintain a higher level of performance for longer during intense exercise. The greater the amount of ATP a muscle has, the greater the number of contractions it can perform before it becomes fatigued. Consequently, athletes and bodybuilders have been using Creatine supplements to enhance performance for many years.